Un po' di link per saperne di più (i primi due in giapponese!):
Cafè Calico, Neko Jalala, il blog di bunnychan, l'articolo su lazampa.
Infine vi copio da Wikitravel :
Neko JaLaLa (ねこJaLaLa), 東京都千代田区外神田3-5-5 1F (8 mins from Akihabara station: on the next main road west after Chuo-doori, about 7 or 8 blocks north of the Chuo railway line. Look for a brown sliding door with a cat's foot), ☎ 03-3258-2525 (shop@nekojalala.com). 11am to 7pm. A recent phenomenon in Tokyo has been the rise of 'cat cafes': play with shop's (very clean) cats while drinking tea. You'll be asked to remove your shoes and wash your hands on entry. You'll also be gently pressured to order one of their drinks. A different experience. ¥500 for first 30 minutes, then ¥150 for each ten minutes. Drinks are ¥300 to ¥500.
Dimenticavo: il proprietario del Calico si chiama Takafumi Fukui.
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